A macrocosm of pictorial and graphic signs.

About me

Massimo Zanchi (born in 1993) is an Italian illustrator and artist from the Northern Milanese province.

He cultivates his passion for drawing since childhood and from 2014 to 2018 he attended the Illustration course at the Superior School of Applied Arts (Super) of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, where he has the opportunity to develop a language and a creative identity strongly linked to experimentation.

He lives and works in the Milanese hinterland where he continues his artistic research supported by the most varied graphic and pictorial techniques. 

Overlapping substances, pictorial transparencies often contaminated by graphic interventions give life to an imaginary from the multiform vividness.

The sense of substance

The grotesque underground of clumsy skaters launched into dangerous tricks combined with the comedy of writers with easygoing tags, coexists with fairytale atmospheres full of childish innocence.

A constant binds different subjects and concepts: the sense of substance.

It emerges as much in the simplest and everyday objects as in the most florid abstractions. These are once again guided by chance; wandering investigations without a predictable goal. They build chromatic and material interweaving that have no epilogue. They propagate by invading the space of the sheet with the intention of going beyond it, breaking through the limit imposed by the paper.

They generate a macrocosm in which infinite graphic, pictorial and signic possibilities meet and collide, composing scenarios that are always open and in progress.

Graphite plays an essential role.

His scratched line digs further, simplifies dynamic scenes in a few colour fields, plays with decisive, merciless full and empty spaces. At the same time it infiltrates every fold, nervously searching for its contours, thicknesses, volumes.
A sign that explores, curiously investigates variations of surfaces, fabrics and textures without ever closing in rigid descriptions.


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